The idea behind the system is:
The pooling system, developed by Tov Shem replaces the old and cumbersome method of buying white pallets and frees you from the “headache” involved in the logistical management of pallet inventory. With the deposit system, you simply rent quality pallets according to the time period and location you require, covered by a rental fee. Pallets can be used to transport merchandise to your customers, while Tov Shem takes full responsibility for collecting pallets from retailers, or from the company’s many collection points.

Savings on maintenance

The pooling system exempts you from maintenance and storage of a pallet inventory. T.S. Pallets, Packaging and timber ensures you get exactly the pallets you need in terms of quantity, size and timing.

Cost savings in the purchase of pallets

The pooling system allows you to pay only for your usage of the pallets – without the need to allocate financial resources to purchase them outright.

Focus on core business

The deposit system frees you from the need to devote precious resources to the logistic management of pallet inventory and ongoing maintenance, allowing you to devote all your time to the development and management of your core business.

Cost savings in transportation

Within the pooling system, Tov Shem holds pallets suitable for most truck crates. These pallets and RPC’s allow you to load goods according to the optimal quantities and geometries – resulting in significant efficiencies for your transportation and distribution system.

Storage cost savings

Uniform pallet dimensions allow you to maximize storage space in your company’s warehouses.

Fast and efficient service

Tov Shem owns a large fleet of trucks, used for supplying pallets and RPC’s to any point throughout the country, six days a week, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Safer pallets

The uncompromising production quality of Tov Shem and the continuous quality control of returned pallets, give you and your employees stable pallets that contribute to a safer working environment.

Your deposit for a greener world

Pallets rented under the pooling system are renovated and returned back to customers once they are in good working order. Contrast this with disposable wooden and plastic pallets which pollute the environment.